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Urgent care clinics are entering the veterinary profession

Urgent care clinics are starting to enter the veterinary profession, AVMA News reports. Such practices offer around-the-clock veterinary care for minor injuries and mild illnesses, such as diarrhea, wounds and lacerations, and allergic reactions. Dr. Canaan Shores, an instructor and service head for Small Animal Urgent and Convenient Care at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, says urgent care practices can provide something between appointment-based primary care practices and emergency practices. "Urgent care practices are intended to treat those pets who have urgent, but not emergent, conditions . . . These are conditions that are causing pain or discomfort, so they require prompt care, but do not necessarily require hospitalization or other major interventions," Dr. Shores explained.  "Having a dedicated urgent care practice can provide better efficiency and, hopefully, deliver better care than having these minor cases pile up at the emergency clinic or overwhelm primary care veterinarians," he said.

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